English for business studies ian mackenzie 2009

Andrew Breeze Owen and Morgan: James A slippery customer: King lacked a commanding presence or oratorical skills; he did not shine on the radio or in newsreels. Parsons AnnaDotThorir The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain. EcosystemsNet hosting a webinar on the subject https:

William Lyon Mackenzie King OMCMGPC December 17, — July 22,also commonly known as Mackenzie Kingwas the dominant Canadian political leader, as the Prime Minister of Canadafrom the s through the s.

He served as the tenth Prime Minister of Canada in —, — and — He is best known for his leadership of Canada throughout the Second World War — when he mobilized Canadian money, supplies and volunteers to support Britain while boosting the economy and maintaining home front morale.

A Liberal with 21 years and days in office, he was the longest-serving prime minister in Canadian history. Trained in law and social work, he was keenly interested in the human condition as a boy, his motto was "Help those that cannot help themselves"and played a major role in laying the foundations of the Canadian welfare state. King acceded to the leadership of the Liberal Party in Taking the helm of a party bitterly torn apart during the First World Warhe reconciled factions, unifying the Liberal Party and leading it to victory in the election.

His party was out of office during the harshest days of the Great Depression in Canada—35; he returned when the economy was on an upswing. He personally handled complex relations with the Prairie Provinceswhile his top aides Ernest Lapointe and Louis St. Laurent skillfully met the demands of French Canadians. During the Second World War, he carefully avoided the battles over conscription, patriotism and ethnicity that had divided Canada so deeply in the First World War.

Though few major policy innovations took place during his premiership, he was able to synthesize and pass a number of measures that had reached a level of broad national support. Keenly sensitive to the nuances of public policy, he was a workaholic with a shrewd and penetrating intelligence and a profound understanding of the complexities of Canadian society. A modernizing technocrat who regarded managerial mediation as essential to an industrial society, he wanted his Liberal Party to represent liberal corporatism to create social harmony.

King worked to bring compromise and harmony to many competing and feuding elements, using politics and government action as his instrument. He lacked the charisma of such contemporaries as Franklin RooseveltWinston Churchillor Charles de Gaulle.

He lacked a commanding presence or oratorical skill; his best writing was academic, and did not resonate with the electorate. He never married and lacked a hostess whose charm could substitute for his chill. He kept secret his beliefs in spiritualism and use of mediums to stay in contact with departed associates and particularly with his mother, and allowed his intense spirituality to distort his understanding of Adolf Hitler throughout the late s.

Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier. As historian Jack Granatstein notes, "the scholars expressed little admiration for King the man but offered unbounded admiration for his political skills and attention to Canadian unity.

King was born in Berlin, Ontario now known as Kitchenerto John King and Isabella Grace Mackenzie. His maternal grandfather was William Lyon Mackenziefirst mayor of Toronto and leader of the Upper Canada Rebellion in His father was a lawyer, and later a professor at Osgoode Hall Law School. King had three siblings. Tutors were hired to teach him more politics, science, math, English and French.

His father was a lawyer with a struggling practice in a small city, and never enjoyed financial security. His parents lived a life of shabby gentility, employing servants and tutors they could scarcely afford, although their financial situation improved somewhat following a move to Toronto aroundwhere King lived with them for several years in a duplex located in a then-respectable neighborhood, Beverley Street, while studying at the University of Toronto.

King became a lifelong practising Presbyterian with a dedication to applying Christian virtues to social issues in the style of the Social Gospel. He never favoured socialism. King earned five university degrees. He obtained three degrees from the University of Toronto: It encouraged debate on political ideas. He also met Arthur Meighena future political rival; the two men did not get on especially well from the start. King was especially concerned with issues of social welfare and was influenced by the settlement house movement pioneered by Toynbee Hall in London, England.

He was in close touch, behind the scenes, with Vice-Chancellor William Mulockfor whom the strike provided a chance to embarrass his rivals Chancellor Edward Blake and President James Loudon. King failed to gain his immediate objective, a teaching position at the University, but earned political credit with Mulock, the man who would invite him to Ottawa and make him a deputy minister only five years later. After studying at the University of Chicago and working with Jane Addams at her settlement house, Hull HouseKing proceeded to Harvard University.

He earned an M. InHarvard granted him a PhD for a dissertation on "Oriental Immigration to Canada". It was a report he had written while he was Deputy-Minister of Labour in He is the only Canadian Prime Minister to have earned a PhD.

Harper dove into the water to try to save her, and perished in the attempt. King led the effort to raise a memorial to Harper, which resulted in the erection of the Sir Galahad statue on Parliament Hill in InKing published a memoir of Harper, entitled The Secret of Heroism.

He was first elected to Parliament as a Liberal in a by-electionand was re-elected by acclamation in a by-election following his appointment as the first-ever Minister of Labour. He led the passage of the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act and the Combines Investigation Actwhich he had shaped during his civil and parliamentary service. The legislation significantly improved the financial situation for millions of Canadian workers. After his defeat, King went on the lecture circuit on behalf of the Liberal Party.

In June John D. But he was nearly 40 years old when the war began, and was not in good physical condition. He never gave up his Ottawa home, and travelled to the United States on an as-needed basis, performing valuable service by helping to keep war-related industries running smoothly. In King, assisted by his friend F. McGregor, published the far-sighted book Industry and Humanity: A Study in the Principles Underlying Industrial Reconstructiona dense, abstract work he wrote in response to the Ludlow massacre.

He emphasized that capital and labour were natural allies, not foes, and that the community at large represented by the government should be the third and decisive party in industrial disputes. Even so, he kept his official residence in Ottawa, hoping for a call to duty. InCanada was in crisis; King supported Liberal leader Sir Wilfrid Laurier in his opposition to conscriptionwhich was violently opposed in the province of Quebec. The Liberal party became deeply split, with most Anglophones joining in the pro-conscription Union government, a coalition controlled by the Conservatives under Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden.

King returned to Canada to run in the electionwhich focused almost entirely on the conscription issue. Unable to overcome a landslide against Laurier, King lost in the constituency of North York, which his grandfather had once represented.

Levin argues that when King returned to politics inhe was a rusty outsider with a weak base facing a nation bitterly split by language, regionalism and class. He won thanks to the support of the Quebec bloc, organized by his long-time lieutenant in Quebec, Ernest Lapointe — King could not speak French and had minimal interest in Quebec, but in election after election for the next 20 years save forLapointe produced the critical seats to give the Liberals control of the Commons.

He was almost co-Prime Minister with King until his death in Once he became the Liberal leader in he paid closer attention to the Prairiesa fast-developing region. With a highly romanticized view he envisioned the pioneers as morally sound, hardworking individuals who lived close to nature and to God. The reform ferment in the region meshed with his self-image as a social reformer and fighter for the "people" against the "interests".

Viewing a glorious sunrise in Alberta inhe wrote in his diary, "I thought of the New Day, the New Social Order.

He convinced many Progressives to return to the Liberal fold. In the electionhis party defeated Arthur Meighen and the Conservativesand he became Prime Minister.

The Conservatives won 49, the newly formed Progressive Party won 58 but declined to form the official Oppositionand the remaining ten seats went to fringe parties and Independents; most of these ten supported the Progressives.

As Prime Minister of Canada, King was appointed to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 20 June [32] and was sworn at Buckingham Palace on 11 October[33] during the Imperial Conference. During his first term of office, from toKing pursued a conservative domestic policy with the object of lowering wartime taxes and, especially, wartime ethnic and labour tensions. In September the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd Georgeappealed repeatedly to King for Canadian support in the Chanak crisisin which a war threatened between Britain and Turkey.

Despite prolonged negotiations, King was unable to attract the Progressives into his government, but once Parliament opened, he relied on their support to defeat non-confidence motions from the Conservatives. King was opposed in some policies by the Progressives, who opposed the high tariffs of the National Policy. King faced a delicate balancing act of reducing tariffs enough to please the Prairie-based Progressives, but not too much to alienate his vital support in industrial Ontario and Quebec, who perceived tariffs were necessary to compete with American imports.

King and Conservative leader Arthur Meighen sparred bitterly in Commons debates, and the decades-long rivalry between the two was among the nastiest in the history of Canadian politics. Their effective and passionate leader, Thomas Crerarresigned to return to his grain business, and was replaced by the more placid Robert Forke.

Woodsworth gradually gained influence and power, and King was able to reach an accommodation with him on policy matters. King had a long-standing concern with city planning and the development of the national capital, since he had been trained in the settlement house movement and envisioned town planning and garden cities as a component of his broader program of social reform.

He drew on four broad traditions in early North American planning: His plans, much of which were completed in the two decades after his death, was part of a century of federal planning that repositioned Ottawa as a national space in the City Beautiful style. Confederation Squarefor example, was initially planned to be a civic plaza to balance the nearby federal presence of Parliament Hill.

The Great War monument was not installed until the royal visit, and King intended that the replanning of the capital would be the World War II memorial. However, the symbolic meaning of the World War II monument gradually expanded to become the place of remembrance for all Canadian war sacrifices.

King called an election inin which the Conservatives won the most seats, but not a majority in the House of Commons. King held onto power with the support of the Progressives. A corruption scandal discovered late in his first term involved misdeeds around the expansion of the Beauharnois Canal in Quebec; this led to extensive inquiries and eventually a Royal Commissionwhich exposed the Beauharnois Scandal, english for business studies ian mackenzie 2009.

Early in his second term, another corruption scandal, this time in the Department of Customs, was revealed, which led to more support for the Conservatives and Progressives, and the possibility that King would be forced to resign, if he lost sufficient support in the Commons. King had no personal connection to this scandal, although one of his own appointees was at the heart of it. Opposition leader Meighen unleashed his fierce invective towards King, stating he was hanging onto power "like a lobster with lockjaw".

In King advised the Governor GeneralLord Byngto dissolve Parliament and call another election, but Byng refused, the only time in Canadian history that the Governor General has exercised such a power. Instead Byng called upon the Conservative Party leader, Arthur Meighento form a government. Meighen attempted to do so, but was unable to obtain a majority in the Commons and he, too, advised dissolution, which this time was accepted.

The episode marks a constitutional crisis that was resolved by a tradition of non-interference in Canadian political affairs on the part of the British government.

In the ensuing Canadian federal election,King appealed for public support of the constitutional principle that the Governor General must accept the advice of his ministers, though this principle was at most only customary. The Liberals argued that the Governor General had interfered in politics and shown favour to one party over another. King and his party won the election with a plurality of seats in the Commons: The constitutional crisis of provoked a consideration of the constitutional relations between the self-governing dominions and the British government.

During the next five years the position of the Governor General of a Dominion was clarified; he ceased to be a representative of the British government and became a representative of The Crown. The independent position of the Dominions in the British Empire later the Commonwealth and in the international community was put on a firm foundation by the Balfour Declaration ofsubsequently codified in the Statute of Westminster King expanded the Department of External Affairsfounded into further promote Canadian autonomy from Britain.

The new department took some time to develop, but over time it significantly increased the reach and projection of Canadian diplomacy. King recruited many high-calibre people for the new venture, including future prime minister Lester Pearson and influential career administrators Norman Robertson and Hume Wrong. This project was a key element of his overall strategy, setting Canada on a course independent of Britain, of former colonizer Franceas well as of the neighbouring powerful United States.

In domestic affairs King strengthened the Liberal policy of increasing the powers of the provincial governments by transferring to the governments of ManitobaAlbertaand Saskatchewan the ownership of the crown lands within those provinces, as well as the subsoil rights; these in particular would become increasingly important, as petroleum and other natural resources proved very abundant. In collaboration with the provincial governments, he inaugurated a system of old-age pensions based on need.

His government was in power during the beginning of the Great Depressionbut was slow to respond to the mounting crisis.

He felt that the crisis was a temporary swing of the business cycle and that the economy would soon recover without government intervention. Just prior to the election, King carelessly remarked that he "would not give a five-cent piece" to Tory provincial governments for unemployment relief.

The popular vote was very close between the two parties, with the Liberals actually earning more votes than inbut the Conservatives had a geographical advantage that turned into enough seats to give a majority. After his loss, King stayed on as Opposition Leader, where it was his policy to refrain from offering advice or alternative policies.

Though he gave the impression of sympathy with progressive and liberal causes, he had no enthusiasm for the New Deal of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt which Bennett eventually tried to emulate, after floundering without solutions for several yearsand he never advocated massive government action to alleviate depression in Canada.

In the election the Liberals used the slogan "King or Chaos" to win a landslide victory. For the first time in his political career, King led an undisputed Liberal majority government. Promising a much-desired trade treaty with the U. It marked the turning point in Canadian-American economic relations, reversing the disastrous trade war of —31, lowering tariffs, and yielding a dramatic increase in trade. More subtly, it revealed to the prime minister and President Roosevelt that they could work together well.

The worst of the Depression had passed by when King regained power. He implemented relief programs such as the National Housing Act and National Employment Commission. His government also made the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation a crown corporation increated Trans-Canada Airlines the precursor to Air Canada inand formed the National Film Board of Canada in Inhe transformed the Bank of Canada from a private entity to a crown corporation. After the prime minister lost patience when western Canadians preferred radical alternatives such as the CCF Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and Social Credit to his middle-of-the-road liberalism.

Indeed, he came close to writing off the region with his comment that the prairie dust bowl was "part of the U. I doubt if it will be of any real use again. Lawrence Seaway project with the United States. Incompulsory contributions for pensions for low-income widows and orphans were introduced although these only covered the regularly employed while depressed farmers were subsidized from that same year onwards. Infamily allowances were introduced, and from the federal government subsidized medical services in the provinces.

The Federal Home Improvement Plan of provided subsidized rates of interest on rehabilitation loans to 66, homes, while the National Housing Act of made provision for the building of low-rent housing. In Marchin response to the German remilitarization of the RhinelandKing had the Canadian High Commissioner in London inform the British government that if Britain went to war with Germany over the Rhineland issue, Canada would remain neutral.

InKing visited Germany and met with Adolf Hitler. He thought that good would eventually triumph and Hitler would redeem his people and lead them to a harmonious, uplifting future. King commented in his journal that "he is really one who truly loves his fellow-men, and his country, and would make any sacrifice for their good".

In lateduring the great crisis in Europe over Czechoslovakia that culminated in the Munich AgreementCanadians were divided. Francophones insisted on neutrality, as did some top advisers like Oscar D. Imperialists stood behind Britain and were willing to fight Germany. King, who served as his own secretary of state for external affairs foreign ministersaid privately that if he had to choose he would not be neutral, but he made no public statement. All of Canada was relieved that the British appeasement at Munich, while sacrificing the rights of Czechoslovakia, seemed to bring peace.

One of the claims for damages came from Chinese opium dealers, which led King to investigate narcotics use in Vancouver. Following the investigation King reported that white women were also opium users, not just Chinese men, and the federal government used the report to the first legislation outlawing narcotics in Canada.

King realized the likelihood of World War II and began mobilizing on August 25,with full mobilization on September 1,the day Germany invaded Poland.

On September 10, Prime Minister King, through his High Commissioner in London, issued a request to King George VI, asking him, in his capacity as King of Canada, to declare war against Germany. King linked Canada more and more closely to the United States, signing an agreement with Roosevelt at Ogdensburg, New York in August that provided for the close cooperation of Canadian and American forces, despite the fact that the U.

During the war the Americans took virtual control of the Yukon and the then-British colony of Newfoundland in building the Alaska Highway and major airbases. King proved highly successful in mobilizing the economy for war, with impressive results in industrial and agricultural output.

On the political side, King rejected any notion of a government of national unity. He was instrumental in obtaining the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Agreement, which was signed in Ottawa in Decemberbinding Canada, Britain, New Zealand and Australia to a program that eventually trained half the airmen from those four nations in the Second World War. Howe acting as point man, moved the nuclear group from Montreal to Chalk River, Ontario inwith the establishment of Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories and the residential town of Deep River, Ontario.

Canada became a world leader in this field, with the NRX reactor becoming operational in ; at the time, NRX was the only operational nuclear reactor outside the United States. But after the fall of France inCanada introduced conscription for home service. Still, only volunteers were to be sent overseas.

King wanted to avoid a repeat of the Conscription Crisis of Bythe military was pressing King hard to send conscripts to Europe. InKing held a national plebiscite on the issue, asking the nation to relieve him of the commitment he had made during the election campaign. In the House of Commons on June 10,he said that his policy was "not necessarily conscription but conscription if necessary".

French and English conscripts were sent to fight in the Aleutian Islands in — technically North American soil and therefore not "overseas" — but the mix of Canadian volunteers and draftees found that the Japanese troops had fled before their arrival. Otherwise, King continued with a campaign to recruit volunteers, hoping to address the problem with the shortage of troops caused by heavy losses in the Dieppe Raid inin Italy inand after the Battle of Normandy in In Novemberthe Government decided it was necessary to send conscripts to Europe for the war.

This led to a brief political crisis see Conscription Crisis of and a mutiny by conscripts posted in British Columbiabut the war ended a few months later. Over 15, conscripts went to Europe, though only a few hundred saw combat. Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor in DecemberJapanese Canadians were categorized as enemy aliens under the War Measures Actwhich began to remove their personal rights. Three weeks later, on February 19,US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Orderwhich called for the removal ofpeople of Japanese ancestry from the American coastline.

A historian of internment, Ann Sunahara, argues that "the American action sealed the fate of Japanese Canadians. On February 25, the federal government announced that Japanese Canadians were being moved for reasons of national security.

Others were deported to Japan. Major General Ken Stuart told Ottawa, "I cannot see that the Japanese Canadians constitute the slightest menace to national security. On September 22,Prime Minister Brian Mulroney delivered an apology for the internment, and the Canadian government announced a compensation package. Throughout his tenure, King led Canada from a colony with responsible government to an autonomous nation within the British Commonwealth. During the Chanak Crisis ofKing refused to support the British without first consulting Parliament, while the Conservative leader, Arthur Meighensupported Britain.

This resulted in the Balfour Declarationwhich announced the equal status of all members of the British Commonwealth as it was known thenincluding Britain.

This eventually led to the Statute of Westminster The Canadian city of Hamilton hosted the first Empire Games in ; this competition later became known as the Commonwealth Gamesand is held every four years. In the lead-up to World War II inKing affirmed Canadian autonomy by saying that the Canadian Parliament would make the final decision on the issue of going to war.

At the same time, he reassured those who were suspicious of British influence in Canada by promising that Canada would not participate in British colonial wars.

His Quebec lieutenant, Ernest Lapointepromised French-Canadians that the government would not introduce conscription; individual participation would be voluntary. Inin a country which had seemed deeply divided, these promises made it possible for Parliament to agree almost unanimously to declare war. King played two roles. On the one hand, he told English Canadians that Canada would no doubt enter war if Britain did. During the war, Canada rapidly expanded its diplomatic missions abroad.

However British Prime Minister Winston Churchill made all the major military and diplomatic decisions for Canada and the other dominions, with minimal consultation. While Canada hosted two major Allied conferences in Quebec in andneither Mackenzie King nor his senior generals and admirals were invited to take part in any of the discussions. Prior to this, Canadians were considered British subjects living in Canada. On January 3,King received Canadian citizenship certificate number With the war winding down, King held a federal election in and won a minority, but formed a functioning coalition to continue governing.

The main opposition party Conservatives were weak for most of the two decades after R. Bennett lost the election, and King had virtually unchallenged power for much of his later years; this expanded still further during the War.

He promoted engineer C. Howe into positions of great power and influence during the War, but was hit hard by the death of key minister and protege Norman McLeod Rogers.

After this setback, and the death of his Quebec lieutenant Ernest Lapointe, King sought out the reluctant Louis St. Laurent to serve as a top aide. King helped found the United Nations in and attended the opening meetings in San Francisco.

After the war, King quickly dismantled wartime controls. Unlike World War I, press censorship ended with the hostilities. King moved Canada into the deepening Cold War in alliance with the U. External Affairs minister Louis St. Laurent the next Canadian Prime Minister three years later. On January 20,King called on the Liberal Party to hold its first national convention since to choose a new leader.

The August convention chose St. Laurent as the new leader of the Liberal Party. Three months later, King retired after 22 years as prime minister. King also had the most terms six as Prime Minister. Macdonald was second-in-line, with 19 years, as the longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history —, — King was not charismatic and did not have a large personal following.

Only eight Canadians in picked him when the Canadian Gallup CIPO poll asked in September"What person living in any part of the world today do you admire? King died on July 22,at Kingsmere from pneumonia, with his retirement plans to write his memoirs unfulfilled.

He is buried in Mount Pleasant CemeteryToronto. King lacked a commanding presence or oratorical skills; he did not shine on the radio or in newsreels. There was scant charisma.

His allies were annoyed by his constant intrigues. He is not remembered for great major policy innovations as prime minister. Advances in the welfare state were an example. His successors, especially Diefenbaker, Pearson, and Trudeau built the welfare state which he had advanced during the Second World War into the modern cradle-to-grave system. One biographer called these diaries "the most important single political document in twentieth-century Canadian history," [99] for they explain motivations of the Canadian war efforts and describe other events in detail.

King communed with spirits, using seances with paid mediums. Thereby he communicated with Leonardo da Vinci, Wilfrid Laurier, his dead mother, his grandfather, and several of his dead dogs, as well as the spirit of the late President Roosevelt. Some historians argue that he sought personal reassurance from the spirit world, more than political advice. After his death, one of his mediums said that she had not realized that he was a politician. King did inquire whether his party would win the election, one of the few times politics came up during his seances.

However Allan Levine argues that sometimes he did pay attention to the political implications of his seances: Historians have seen in his spiritualism and occult activities a penchant for forging unities from antitheses, thus having latent political import. Stacey wrote that King entirely gave up his interests in the occult and spiritualism during World War II. King never married, but had several close women friends, including Joan Patteson, a married woman with whom he spent some of his leisure time; sometimes she served as hostess at his dinner parties.

Editor Charles Bowman reports that, "He felt the lack of a wife, particularly when social duties called for a hostess. Some historians have interpreted passages in his diaries as suggesting that King regularly had sexual relations with prostitutes.

King was the only Canadian Prime Minister to be in office during the reigns of three Canadian Monarchs. King was ranked as the greatest Canadian Prime Minister by a survey of Canadian historians.

He was named a Person of National Historic Significance in King left no published political memoirs, although his private diaries were extensively detailed.

His main published work remains his book Industry and Humanity. A RomanceLily: A Rhapsody in Redand Igor: A Novel of Intrigue Canadian federalists, however, accused the government of Quebec of trying to advance their own political agenda.

OC Transpo has a Transitway station named Mackenzie King due to its location on the Mackenzie King Bridge. It is located adjacent to the Rideau Centre in downtown Ottawa. The bridge across the Rideau Canal in downtown Ottawa, built following World War II, is named in his honour to recognize his contributions to the land planning of the city of Ottawa.

Part of his country retreat, now called Mackenzie King Estate, at Kingsmere in the Gatineau Parknear Ottawais open to the public. The house King died in, called " The Farm ", is the official residence of the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commonsand is not part of the park.

The estate has over 4. There is a MacKenzie King Public School in the Heritage Park neighbourhood in Kitchener. Kitchener was known as Berlin until A character who appeared twice in the popular s Canadian television series Due South was named "Mackenzie King" in obvious reference.

King chose the following jurists to be appointed as justices of the Supreme Court of Canada by the Governor General:. Under the new provisions, a Minister of Labour may be appointed. However, when no Minister of Labour is appointed, the Minister of Human Resources Development shall exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the Minister of Labour.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. George V Edward VIII George VI. The Earl of Bessborough The Lord Tweedsmuir The Earl of Athlone The Viscount Alexander.

The Lord Byng of Vimy The Viscount Willingdon. University College, Toronto B. The Secret of Heroism. Conscription Crisis of The Canadian Encyclopedia online ed. Retrieved June 9, In English, John; Stubbs, J. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. XVII — online ed. University of Toronto Press. The Descent of Canadian Politics from MacDonald to Mulroney.

Canadian Journal of Political Science. His life and world. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Canadian National Leaders and Their Reputations among Party Members". Journal of Canadian Studies. A Very Double Life: The Private World of Mackenzie King. William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography — Prime Minister and Graduate". Retrieved December 7, Retrieved May 5, Retrieved June 8, Blair October 15, Retrieved July 21, Longmans, Green and Company.

The Life of John D. A Study in The Principles Underlying Industrial Reconstruction. William Lyon Mackenzie King, A Life Guided by the Hand of Destiny. Library and Archives Canada.

Retrieved November 27, Mackenzie King and the Prairie West. Confederation Square and the National War Memorial". Journal of Historical Geography. A New Look at the King-Byng Dispute". Retrieved July 20, The Canadian Centenary Series. The Life of Lester Pearson. William Lyon Mackenzie King, — The Great Depression, — The Prism of Unity. From Rights to Needs: A History of Family Allowances in Canada, Canadian-American Relations in the Mids". Mitchell Hepburn, Mackenzie King, Franklin Roosevelt, and the St.

The Politics of Chaos: Canada in the Thirties. JULY TO DECEMBER ". The Rhineland Crisis, March 7, A Study in Multilateral Diplomacy. Iowa State University Press. The British Government and Germany, — A Real Companion and Friend: The diary of William Lyon Mackenzie King.

Retrieved November 24, Mackenzie King and Hitler". How Silent Were the Churches?: Canadian Protestantism and the Jewish Plight during the Nazi Era. In Goldstein, Erik; Lukes, Igor. The Munich Crisis, University of Toronto Law Review. The Transformation of the Canadian Jewish Community. Strangers at Our Gates: Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, — Canada and the British Empire.

Franklin Roosevelt and the Origins of the Canadian-American Security Alliance, — Necessary, but Not Necessary Enough. Arms, Men and Governments: The War Policies of Canada, — The History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Labour Relations and Ethno-Religious Identity in Southern Alberta, — Vulnerability and Composure in the Wartime Narratives of Japanese Canadians".

Journals of Canadian Studies. The Uprooting of Japanese Canadians During the Second World War. The Uprooting of Japanese Canadians During the Second World War" PDF. Granatstein, "Happily on the Margins: Mackenzie King and Canada at the Quebec Conferences," in David B. Waging War, Formulating Peace: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States in pp Retrieved June 10, Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada — Former Prime Ministers and Their Grave Sites.

Winston Churchill and Mackenzie King: So Similar, So Different. How the Fathers Made a Deal. The Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada. The Private World of Mackenzie King reprint ed. The Prime Ministers and the Media. The Memoirs of Charles A. Directory of Federal Heritage Designations. THE ORDER OF MERIT: William Lyon Mackenzie King navigational boxes.

Cabinet of Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King — Gibson James Allison Glen Milton Fowler Gregg C. Pearson Charles Gavan Power James Ralston Fernand Rinfret Wishart McLea Robertson Norman McLeod Rogers Louis St. Laurent Joseph Thorarinn Thorson. Prime Ministers of Canada. Macdonald Mackenzie Macdonald Abbott Thompson Bowell Tupper Laurier Borden Meighen King Meighen King Bennett King St. Laurent Diefenbaker Pearson P. Edward VIII abdication crisis.

Edward VIII Wallis Simpson. Liberal Party of Canada. New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island. Alberta —76 British Columbia —late s Manitoba Northwest Territories — Ontario Quebec — Saskatchewan — Yukon. Brown Mackenzie Blake Laurier McKenzie King St. Copps Gray Manley McLellan Robillard Ignatieff Goodale. Liberal Protectionist Liberal-Progressive Liberal-Labour Laurier Liberals Liberal—Unionist National Liberal Progressive.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Murphy Roche Borden Meighen King Meighen King Bennett King St. Laurent Pearson Diefenbaker Smith Diefenbaker acting Green Martin Sharp MacEachen Jamieson MacDonald MacGuigan. Ouellet Axworthy Manley Graham Pettigrew MacKay Bernier Emerson Cannon Baird Fast Acting Nicholson Dion Freeland. Mulock Aylesworth Lemieux 1 W. King Crothers Robertson Murdock J.

Young Pettigrew Stewart Frulla Dryden. Stronach Finley Solberg Finley. Robillard Gagliano MacAulay Bradshaw Fontana 3 Blackburn Ambrose Raitt Leitch. King was the first to hold the office independently. Presidents of the Privy Council. Leaders of the Official Opposition in Canada.

Mackenzie Macdonald Mackenzie Blake Laurier Tupper Borden Laurier McKenzie King Meighen King Guthrie Bennett King Bennett Manion Hanson Graydon Bracken Drew Rowe Drew Rowe Diefenbaker St. Canadian Newsmaker of the Year. Igor Gouzenko Barbara Ann Scott William Lyon Mackenzie King Louis St. Laurent Lester B. Pearson — Marilyn Bell Lester B. Pearson — Lucien Rivard John Diefenbaker Lester B.

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InPrince Edward Island joined. Canada, Great Britain, and the United States in pp Joining the United States was not made an option. Connecting Environmental and Finanacial performance. Retrieved June 20, The British Heart Foundation has produced a good booklet as to the cost implications of physical inactivity.

Features Freedom Project Impact Your World Inside Africa 2 degrees CNN Heroes All Features. Lewis Report on the 2nd International Aleksandras Vanagas Conference: Carole Hough Eva Brylla ed. Anthony Ellwood Diana Whaley: The Prism of Unity. Connecting Environmental and Finanacial performance. He lacked a commanding presence or oratorical skill; his best writing was academic, and did not resonate with the electorate. Originally from Monterrey, Mexico, Ms.

This project was a key element of his overall strategy, setting Canada on a course independent of Britain, of former colonizer Franceas well as of the neighbouring powerful United States. Politics Money Entertainment Tech Sport Travel Style Health Video VR. The Street Names of England.

William Lyon Mackenzie King - Wikipedia

He personally handled complex relations with the Prairie Provinces , while his top aides Ernest Lapointe and Louis St. Canada under British rule. All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for. Briscoe was presented with the Institute of Corporate Directors ICD Fellowship Award. Trees and woods can enhance social cohesion between the NHS Estates and local communities through joint involvement in planting, maintenance and enjoyment of trees and woodland.

From to , she was Chair of the Industry Training Authority for BC, from to , she was President and owner of Hiway Refrigeration Limited, from to , she was Vice President and General Manager of Wajax Industries Limited, from to , she was Vice President, Finance of Rivtow Group of Companies and, from to , she was Chief Financial Officer of various operating divisions of The Jim Pattison Group.

In Canada established with the United States the North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD. Ian Telfer has been a transformative force in the international mining industry for more than 30 years. Trained in law and social work, he was keenly interested in the human condition as a boy, his motto was "Help those that cannot help themselves" , and played a major role in laying the foundations of the Canadian welfare state. Worst hit were areas dependent on primary industries such as farming, mining and logging, as prices fell and there were few alternative jobs.

Encyclopedia of American Indian History.

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